Sunday, August 30, 2009
Makeout Under Glass
Hi, there. Throughout the month of August Makeout Creek was in an exhibit called [WORK] at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond, VA. It might've behooved us to alert you to this fact before the exhibit, which has now run its course. But here's the thing: there's only one of us MC editors who maintains this blog and he (or she??? -- no, it's a he) is a freakin' space cadet. In other words, we forgot. Despite the fact we were very, very excited to be included in the exhibit. So hopefully these grainy photos will suffice, if any of you want to see the evidence. Thanks again to the kind folks at the Visual Arts Center (where -- Richmonders, don't forget -- all three issues of Makeout Creek are on sale) for their generous invitation to participate in the showcase!
Friday, August 21, 2009
It Is True That We Like Her, Too
We're very happy to report that the intelligent, perceptive, and surely handsome and good folks over at the Apostrophe Cast blog have posted an interview with Makeout Creek editor Allison Titus, who, when she's not wasting her time with this MC thing, is one hell of a poet and writer. And who looks really cool all the time, especially when standing next to mysterious blue squares, as is obvious from the photo above. Click here to read Allison's take on home remedies and Iceland and -- even better -- to listen to audio of her work!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Makeout Creek Gets Some Style
It's August, and hardly anyone is paying attention to Makeout Creek, including its editors (hell, one of 'em even moved to Doha, for crying out loud) -- and yet the nice people at Richmond's alternate paper Style Weekly picked this moment to do a very flattering article about our little publication. Thank you to author Valley Haggard for her kind appraisal of the MC. Click here to read the article online, and also to see Andrew smiling dumbly whislt displaying "the hearty red cheeks of a snow-country child" (i.e., something we read once on a package of Japanese candy).
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