Sunday, December 20, 2009

Makeout in 2010

By this point it should come as no surprise that we're holding off on Issue Four of Makeout Creek until the first part of next year. "No surprise" because if we were going to publish it this year it'd be out already, yeah? And it's not. No, it's not.

A lot of thought went into this decision. Here was our primary motivation: we took so much time designing Makeout Creek 3 that the issue missed its original print date and didn't come out until June 2009, i.e. halfway through the year. It was clear we'd really have to scramble to put together another issue in 2009, as the process usually takes several months. We decided, ultimately, that it wasn't worth it to risk compromising the quality of the thing. Not worth it to us, the ones shelling out the dough to have these puppies printed, and not worth it to you, the ones putting down your cash to have a look inside.

What does this delay mean for upcoming Makeout Creeks? Not much. We'll resume twice-a-year publication with the 2010 issues, and of course we're moving ever closer to the debut of the Makeout Creek Books line with R. Nicholas Kuszyk's Jammer Slammer, to be released in 2010.

In the meantime, consider the above a sneak preview of Makeout Creek 4, which will feature cover art by Oura Sananikone. This is not the cover -- we just want to give you a peek at one of Oura's killer designs! The official cover image will debut HERE on the blog in January, with Makeout Creek 4 itself following in late February/early March. Check back in with us, why don't ya?

Happy New Year, everybody!